Friday 12 May 2023

Why Trust Ryano wasn't given a Golden Ticket in the Nigerian Idol Season 8

"........the moment I saw you on Nigerian Idol, I was so happy and satisfied and I concluded that the Audition is over because the stage has be kidnapped by you. But from the moment you started singing, I hardly believe it was you. I knew something isn't right, because the Trust I know CANNOT; and has NEVER sang that way before........." Those were the exact words from a fan of Trust Ryano to him after watching his Audition on the Nigerian Idol Season 8, and there are many fans of Trust Ryano as well who shared the same sentiment above. 

So, what really happened?

"First of all, I'm really sorry for letting you down in such a great length. I feel the pain more than anyone does because I know how much negative effect this have had on my career and personality I've built over the years. But the basic truth you need to know is that there are a lot of odd moments that surrounded that period and that day that lead to such a poor performance from me and somehow it's my fault.

On the 26th of January I had a serious accident that affected my chest and can hardly breathe. I was in serious pain that I literally can't do anything of any sort. This pain lingered till the day of the Audition (February 10th) which is barely 2 weeks to the audition and the call came 2 days to the Audition. Before booking my flight to Lagos, I was warned to place a call back to Nigerian Idol and to keep them on the know about my critical health condition, but I ignored cos I felt I can make it. I was very positive and confident because throughout my life as a Singer, NO ONE HAS EVER complained about my singing even when at some of those times I know I didn't sound nice or perfect.

We were told to arrive at the Audition venue by 5am in the morning, and since it was very early I couldn't eat anything and I felt it won't take much time, besides it's to early for me to eat. But unfortunately, I was Auditioned at past 4pm that day. I became very very weak because we weren't even allowed go out to get anything to eat. The only thing we had access to was water.

Another thing that affected my performance was the extreme cold temperature of the waiting hall. After arriving at the venue by 5am, we were admitted to the waiting hall around 9am, and from then till past 4pm that I was Auditioned I was in an extreme cold temperature. I was shivering and my vocal cords became desiccated and dry until I meet one of the attendants to request for warm water to drink. I fought until I got it 3 minutes to my Audition. Because I've been affected by all situations that knocks-off my singing voice, I lost my vocal and breathe. I strain my vocal to be audible; I was unable to project and control my vocal and breathe due to my HEALTH and the EXTREME COLD TEMPERATURE. I lost all energy and strength to perform because I was STARVING.

The biggest mistake I made that I will forever regret was not speaking up on time. This is a big lesson for me and I think I gained something from it because this will NEVER happen again."

Because he wasn't given a Golden Ticket doesn't mean he doesn't know what he was doing. The Audition went wrong because of his situation at that time. Trust Ryano is a talented Nigerian Singer, Songwriter and Producer who is noted for his powerful and technically skilled vocals and has built his reputation as a successful live performer over the years.

Sunday 4 July 2021

New Single Release!!!!

Trust Ryano just released his first music Score for MTN titled "Our Future Start With You." This release also include "The 3L Show" music Score on ‘Spotify Singles,’ and his new take on one of the best hit ever recorded by Celine Dion "I Drove All Night."

Friday 4 January 2019


  Trust Ryano will be live at National Theatre for 9 new performances from May 30 through June 17 and from July 28 through August 20, including a performance of some of your favourite songs. An exclusive pre-sale for these new concerts will kick off on Tuesday, February 5 at 10 a.m. WAT, before the public on-sale date of Friday, February 8 at 12 p.m. WAT. Only members of Best Trust Team will have access to this pre-sale.

  For a chance to purchase tickets, just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Access your Best Trust Team account here.​
Step 2: Head to the Tickets section

**You’ll find the secret code and access links to the pre-sale here on June 5 at 10 a.m. WAT.

  There is a limit of 8 tickets per purchase. Best Trust Team cannot guarantee that every one of its members will be able to purchase tickets, as they will be made available on a “first come, first-served” basis. Trust Ryano Fans are the best!

Monday 3 September 2018

Trust Ryano on Hot FM Abuja.

Trust Ryano was interviewed on Hot FM in respect to the Ashes Concert held at Bolingo Hotel And Towers, Abuja. 

Sunday 24 June 2018

Trust Ryano Returns to Abuja!!!

Watch Trust Ryano performing Ashes live on 24th-25th August, 2018, at Bolingo Hotel, Abuja.